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Arexvy Stiko

New RSV Vaccines Available in Europe

Recommendations from the Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO)

The Standing Committee on Immunization (STIKO) generally updates its recommendations once a year. Arexvy is indicated for active immunization for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD).

European Union Approves Two RSV Vaccines in 2023

In 2023, the European Union approved two RSV vaccines. GSK's RSV vaccine, Arexvy, received market approval from the European Medicines Agency in early June.

Two Active Vaccines Available for Those Aged 60 and Over

For those aged 60 and over, two active vaccines are available: Abrysvo and Arexvy.


The availability of these new RSV vaccines is a significant step forward in the prevention of LRTD, particularly in vulnerable populations like the elderly. As STIKO continues to update its recommendations, it will be important to monitor the latest developments and ensure that these vaccines are made widely available to those who need them most.
